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Green Appleton Blog


AGM August 6th 2024

By Helen Stedman
8th Aug 2024
people sitting round a table The 2024 AGM was held at Southlawn at 7:30pm on Tues 6th August.
Howard, Anna, Liz, James, Felicity, Sanchia, Mary and Helen were there. The usual format of an AGM was followed - the minutes of the last meeting were agreed, the financial report was discussed, and Ros' Annual Report on activities was read out in her absense and discussed.
The existing officers agreed to remain in post, so were re-elected. The main resolution was to consider villagers' ideas about what we should do, and to work with other local organisations with similar aims.
people chatting There was a lively discussion throughout the meeting - the main points covered were as follows: The next meeting will be on September 10th, to work out details of the repair cafe.