Green Appleton

Green Appleton Blog

iNaturalist Talk on March 18th 2024

26 Jan 2025

iNaturalist is an app that you can put on your phone. You can use it to identify wildlife of any description - plant, fungus, bird etc. by loading a photo into it. The results are tied to the location where you found the beastie, so it can provide all sorts of insights about species in a given area. Researchers Liz Dowthwaite and James Spinks are going to present some of the findings of the Appleton project.
Poster forBio Blitz July 2023
We started using iNaturalist in July 2023, and launched it with a Bio Blitz at the school fete. We had a lot of enthusiastic kids running around and finding beetles and things for us to identify. We had a tremendous stag beetle and an ant that was too small to photograph! Since then 37 people have submitted findings in our area, and James and Liz have been looking at what they found. More of this later, and in the iNaturalist section of the website.
