Green Appleton with woods

Green Appleton
Time-Lapse Project


Welcome to the Green Appleton time-lapse project. Here we want to involve as many of you as possible in making a photographic record of how our habitats change across the seasons and through time.

We currently have 4 photo stations set up for everyone to take pictures from on their phones. The photos taken can then be uploaded to the website from the pages below and these can be used to make time-lapse videos of changes at the site, and displayed on the website.

So what are you waiting for? Get yourself to a photo station and send us some pictures!

fern fronds

The bluebells are long over in the woods, and the undergrowth looks completely different as the ferns and bracken grow. The trees are also in full leaf meaning the light is dappled as it comes through, and the floor is much shadier. Please keep on taking photos of this season, so that we can show the contrast, and follow the changes through the summer and into autumn.


The photo stations are shown below - select one to upload a photo, or to see photos and time-lapse videos that are already available.

map of photo stations in timelapse project
Photo Station 1   

On path to Besselsleigh Woods, near gate to Besselsleigh.

Photo Station 2   

By public footpath post where path to Parklands splits.

Photo Station 3   

On Jubilee path, close to the bend after the clearing.

Photo Station 4   

Next to St. Laurence Church, as you go round it to the churchyard on the South side.

Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund National Lottery